Wednesday, June 13, 2012


So yesterday, we took our little darling to the movie theater for the first time. She saw her first movie only last week on DVD (Lady and the Tramp), so we thought she'd be fine to go to the free movies at our local theater. They were showing Chipwrecked this week, and even though those little creatures' voices make me squirm, we decided to go. Mainly because Audrey's been obsessed with Alvin since Mom gave her a toy one that came with her (Mom's) Happy Meal.

Truthfully, when I first got up, I wasn't really interested in running out to be at the movies at 9:30. We hadn't had a lazy morning since we got back from the beach, and I knew we'd have to get there early, since those theaters are really packed during the free movies. But we had already mentioned it to Audrey the night before, and she remembered; in fact, those were among the first words out of her mouth that morning.

She did fairly well, considering it was her first movie...that is, until the end. Something scared her, I think when the volcano shook the ground, and I reached over to comfort her. She pushed me away, saying, "Get back over there," indicating my seat. That ticked me off, but whatever. Then she took her water cup and threw it over me, where it almost hit a baby and rolled to the level below us. Unbelievable.

I'm a serious germaphobe, but I also can't stand wasting money, so I knew I had to get it. I had to get on my hands and knees and reach down (shudder) onto the floor in the dark theater. I thought I was going to gag.

Then, at the end of the movie, Audrey refused to leave. She started screaming bloody murder, and everyone was looking at us. Lovely.

She thought we were taking her out to change her diaper, which we didn't realize was soaking wet. I tried to explain to her that the movie was over, that all the people were leaving. She cried and cried.

Needless to say, she got a nice time out when we got home, for pushing both David and me, for throwing her cup, and for acting like a maniac. I was already looking forward to seeing Hop next week, but David said no more movies. Maybe he'll change his mind.

Later on, though, she was perfectly fine.

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Oh, how I love the terrible twos.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to laugh, but this whole post cracked me up. Only because I can see Griffin pulling those same stunts. We still haven't braved a movie with him yet.

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