Saturday, November 12, 2011

Poor me

Audrey doesn't let me rock her before naps anymore. The routine used to be that I would read her a couple of books (while she's in my lap), and then rock and sing to her before I laid her down.

Well, that came to a screeching halt recently. She still wants me to read her books before nap time, but now she stands beside me. Or, she drags her little rocking chair in front of the glider, with her back to me, while I read and sing. Annoying? Yes. Nap time has become a serious struggle, with her crying and screaming when I leave the room no matter what I do. Sad? Most definitely. I miss holding her and rocking to her.

David's having the same problem. He normally puts her to bed at night, and I think she does the same thing to him. She lets him hold her once in a blue moon.

At least she still lets me hold her when I read to her. That is, when she lets me read to her. Lately, she gathers a bunch of books and brings them to the couch. I'll say, "Do you want me to read those to you?" She'll say, "Nope, honey" and proceed to look through them by herself.

I know she needs to gain independence, but it's hard for me. Bittersweet. Or maybe just bitter. I miss this.

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Brianna said...

Aww, what an adorable picture! And, yet again, change is hard. I hope naps get easier soon!

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